Resolution on the Establishment of an Addictions Treatment Centre in Prince County

(Submitted by St. Felix Council)

Whereas Prince County has no residential addictions treatment centre,
And whereas there is a great need for residential addiction services in Prince County,
And whereas rehabilitation is preferable to criminalization,
Therefore be it resolved that the PEI Provincial Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada urge the Government of Prince Edward Island to establish an Addictions Treatment Centre in Prince County.

Background: At the present time when a patient suffering from alcoholism or another drug addiction is admitted, the Western Hospital in Alberton contacts ambulatory detox. From there the request is sent to the Provincial Addictions Treatment Facility in Mount Herbert. On the average 3-4 requests are made per month.

Very often because of the long waiting period, the patient gets discouraged. The condition temporarily improves, so that Mount Herbert advises that their services are no longer needed. Mount Herbert then recommends that the patient be discharged home and followed up with outpatient detox. Very few follow up on this advice, and so the problem continues.

Prince County needs a residential facility similar to the Provincial Addictions Treatment Facility at Mount Herbert which provides Primary Treatment as well as support Recovery. This would include the intense medical program which treats the physical aspects of the alcohol or drug addiction, the intense individual counseling, and follow-up outpatient care.

ACTIONS: Catholic Women’s League members shall urge their local Members of the Legislative Assembly, the Minister of Health and Wellness, and local municipal councilors to take appropriate action in promoting the establishment of a Residential Addictions Treatment Centre in Prince County.