Fall Conferences 2022

Fall Conference East took place on October 15th at St. Joachim’s, Vernon River. We had 37 in attendance. We had Mass with the Installation of Fr. Danny Wilson as Provincial Spiritual Advisor where he was presented with a pin and the CWL stole. Thank you to Fr. Brian MacDougall for serving as our Provincial Spiritual Advisor for the last 5 years.

Karen Rossiter gave a presentation on the 2022 National Convention that was held in Kelowna, B.C. in August. Gay presented Karen with flowers and a gift of appreciation for completing the Catholic Women’s Leadership program. Shirley Pierce presented information on how to develop a Manual of Policy and Procedure for parishes.

Julie Pelletier-Lush was our guest speaker. She recited a poem to give thanks and she talked about the “Seven Sacred Teachings.” Julie also spoke about George Paul from Big Cove, NB and the story behind his book “The Honor Song”. He has been a leader in bringing back the celebrations, singing and dancing of the Mi’kmaq people. Julie then sang the song.

Our second guest speaker was Tammy MacKinnon from the Island Pregnancy Center. She gave an overview of what they do at their centers in Charlottetown and Summerside. There is a “Baby Boutique” in Charlottetown and Summerside that has clothing for moms and babies, equipment, and supplies. Their goal is to provide support and care especially at the initial pregnancy test. The center is opening a home for mothers and babies at their site in Summerside, where they can live in supportive care and learn what is necessary to care for a baby. The center will be able to house up to five mothers and babies. They are looking for support and will be hosting an open house.

Karen gave a demonstration on the new Annual Report that is to be used this year. The link to the survey will be available on November 1, 2022, and it must be completed and submitted no later than January 15, 2023.

Geraldine McDougall won the gift bag draw. $140.00 was raised and will be donated to Sister Sue Kidd, UPEI Food Bank. Donations to the Red Cross Fiona Relief Fund totaled $82.00.

Fall Conference West took place on October 29th at St. Paul’s, Summerside. We had 30 in attendance.

Karen Rossiter gave a power point presentation on the 2022 National Convention that was held in Kelowna, B.C. in August. Gay congratulated Karen with for completing the Catholic Women’s Leadership program. Shirley Pierce presented information on how to develop a Manual of Policy and Procedure for parishes.

Our guest speaker Sister Shelley Grant opened her presentation with a song and a dram. She showed several artifacts she had with her – a drum, eagle feathers, a vest, and a medicine bag. She shared her personal experiences with working with the indigenous people. The Chiefs, lawyers, government on the commission came up with the 94 recommendations. When the people shared their stories, there were counselors available to talk to people afterwards. Listening to the stories, and the repetition of the stories, led to the recommendations. The purpose is to address what happened in the residential schools. The calls to action are broken into subcategories. Many of the actions in the Call to Action have not been touched. The voice of the voiceless have been heard. We must have hope that the recommendations are followed up on and ask God to be with us on the journey.

Tammy MacKinnon of the Island Pregnancy Center was our second speaker and provided an overview of what they do at their centers in Charlottetown and Summerside. The Pregnancy Center was open approximately 12 years ago to help women who are facing unexpected pregnancy. It is a Christian organization. The center offers information on options such as parenting, adopting or abortion. They do not; however, make referrals for abortion. They do offer post abortion support to those who have gone through this. This is faith based and they hold a memorial service for the baby that was lost. There is an open house on November 14, 2022, from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm. Once staff are in place the home will be opened. They are looking for volunteers and for mentors who they are asking to commit for two years. After the home is open there will be more opportunities. Tammy said that formula costs are approximately $300 per week. This is usually covered by donations, but they are now having to buy some.

Gail MacPhee won the gift bag draw. $170.00 was raised and will be donated to the St. Vincent de Paul from St. Paul’s Parish. Donations to the Red Cross Fiona Relief Fund totaled $35.00.