Members of the PEI Catholic Women’s League from across the province were happy to gather at Credit Union Place in Summerside in the Veterans’ Convention Centre on May 5th and 6th for their 101st Provincial Convention centering on the theme “Catholic and Living It”. The convention kicked off Friday evening with the traditional Crowing of Mary by our CWL Life Members and a spiritual reflection by our PEI Provincial Spiritual Advisor Father Danny Wilson. Our Life Members entertained us all with a great musical number showing their talents and infusing some fun and laughter into the evening which is always welcomed!
Guest speaker Diane Gaudet of St. Simon St Jude Parish in Tignish gave a light-hearted presentation on her life experiences, especially her time teaching in Jamaica. She spoke about being resilient and making the most of opportunities in life and the importance of connecting with others as we journey through life together.
Friday evening is always a great opportunity for social time for our members. A sing-song and refreshments gave members some laughs and time spent in fellowship together.
Saturday morning Mass began another great day of convention. Father Danny Wilson and Father Walter Flynn celebrated Mass together at Credit Union Place. Following Mass CWL Provincial President Gay Garvey welcomed everyone for the second day of the convention where 68 voting and accredited delegates were present. On both Friday and Saturday there were many new members and members attending their first Provincial Convention and they were presented with a rose.
Guest speaker Notre Dame Sister Libby Osgood, who works in the area of Sustainable Design Engineering at UPEI, spoke about ecological Saints who inspire us to live our vocation. Sr. Libby gave a great message highlighting Saints throughout history and their connection to Nature and the natural world.
The Annual Business Meeting portion of the Convention took place before and after lunch on Saturday. The instructed vote on the proposed amendment was taken and the Provincial Council’s Manual of Policy and Procedure was approved. The Annual President’s Report, Past President’s Report, Catholic Girls Bursary Report and Life Members Liaison report were printed in the Convention booklet and highlighted for members to read. The Financial documents for the year were presented in the Convention booklet and highlighted by Treasurer Cheryl Boom. There were no individual Standing Committee Reports this year.
The lunchtime Convention Banquet meal was enjoyed by all. Guests at the head table included Knights of Columbus State Deputy Mike White and his wife, City of Summerside Councilor Norma McColeman and Father Brian MacDougall, Administrator, Diocese of Charlottetown. All guests brought greetings from themselves or their organizations and spoke of the theme “Catholic and Living It”.
This year, the business sessions also included a presentation by the Resolutions Committee. The committee, led by Resolutions Chairperson, Cindy McCarville, presented a pertinent resolution urging the government to raise awareness of Lyme disease as a disease which affects many and needs increased attention. The resolution was passed.
A beautiful ceremony remembering and celebrating our deceased CWL members from this year followed the convention banquet. Life members Mary Hagen and Elaine Black led the ceremony acknowledging each deceased CWL sister one council at a time.
The Convention concluded with the installation of provincial officers for the 2023-25 term. Karen Rossiter is the new President, Gay Garvey is the Past President, Cheryl Boom is the new Vice President, Gail MacPhee is the Treasurer and Janice Keough is the new Secretary while Crissy Czank and Zita Cameron will be the chairs of the new committees of Faith and Service. Our Social Justice chair position is vacant. Shirley Pierce and Father Walter Flynn installed the new Provincial Officers and the Convention ended for another year.
The Provincial Convention held a little something for everyone from informative guest speakers to social time to necessary business sessions. The next year will be one of change and growth as a new structure is brought to the organization of the Provincial and local councils in turn. It is with hope and faith that we look back on a successful year and look forward to more opportunities to work for God and Canada.