We celebrated 100 years of service very well! 142 delegates (members and spiritual advisors) and 5 guests attended our in-person gathering at the Rodd Royalty in Charlottetown on May 6th & 7th. 25 of our 30 Councils were represented!
We were honored to have our National President, Fran Lucas, join us for the full Convention and she shared with us more on the new theme, Catholic & Living It!, as well as the progress of the Strategic Plan and the future of the League. She also challenged us to make 100 ribbons for Ukraine and bring them to National Convention for a huge display to show our support.
We were privileged to have Lt. Governor, Antionette Perry, join us for Mass and the Banquet. She spoke so eloquently. She congratulated and thanked the members for their many years of service.
We had a beautiful Mass celebrating 100 Years of Service for God and Canada and the Provincial Officers affirmed their positions and committed to continue to be faithful to their call and help all League members for the next year.
Business Sessions took place with voting on Amendments and sharing of Annual Reports. Chartered Councils were recognized as well with a special certificate. We had a beautiful memorial for our deceased members and a letter was presented to the council for the family who lost their loved one.
We heard an inspiring and engaging story by Julie Pellissier-Lush on 7 generations and we learned about her history, her culture and her knowledge. This was a highlight of the Convention!
During the banquet, Life Member, Elaine Black, shared a PowerPoint presentation on the history of CWL in PEI, which was jam-packed with interesting facts most of us did not know.
And, of course, we had fun! We enjoyed hearing Marg Fitzpatrick’s funny story, we learned to Line Dance and we enjoyed a relaxing Fireside Chat with our National President Friday evening with snacks, wine and music! On Saturday, we had special entertainment from our Life Members who put on a skit and sang so beautifully in their habits.
It was a busy 2 days of faith, fellowship and fun!